Choosing between a heat pump and solar panels

Are you having difficulty choosing between photovoltaic solar panels and a heat pump system? Both types of renewable energy system can greatly improve your home’s efficiency, help you save money on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint. However, each system still has its own distinct advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose […]

How an energy performance check can benefit you

An energy performance check is a great way to see how energy-efficient and environmentally friendly your home is. You must have an energy performance check carried out if you intend to sell or rent out a building, but EPCs can be useful on other occasions as well. Why wait until you’re about to sell or rent […]

Insulation and renewable energy systems are most effective when used together

Across Britain, home-owners like you are looking for ways to make their houses more energy-efficient. Fitting insulation and installing renewable energy systems are two of the most obvious and popular options available to energy efficiency enthusiasts. Individually, insulation and renewable energy systems are each incredibly useful solutions. You may not realise, however, that they work […]

Could this be the future of solar panels?

When we think of solar panels, we often picture large metal structures, either mounted on our roofs or in solar panel farms in the countryside, with the sun shining on their blue-black surfaces. However, a new piece of research being conducted by a top research team at Michigan State University could be about to totally […]

Choosing the right cavity wall insulation solution for your home

One of the most common root causes of cold and damp in British houses is lack of proper insulation. You could be losing up to a third of your heat through your walls without even knowing it, pushing up your energy bills by hundreds of pounds per year and compromising the comfort and energy efficiency […]

Seeing the light with energy saving bulbs

Light bulbs have come a long way since the first patent was introduced in 1841. Early examples were made with platinum, and were far too expensive for most people. These days, we have many different types and styles to choose from, and designs are evolving all the time. With lighting responsible for nearly 20% of […]

Keeping your heating bills under control this winter

The clocks are going back, the autumn TV staples are well into their yearly runs, and the temperature is dipping; it’s definitely time to put the heating on for another year. But with bills rising, how do you keep your heating system energy efficient, and the costs under control? Here are some tips to help […]

Should you buy solar panels for your home?

Solar panels are a solution that won’t suit everyone. They have a relatively high upfront cost and take years to produce enough savings to pay for themselves, which can cause homeowners to think twice about taking the plunge. However, the government plans to reduce the amount that is paid to owners of photovoltaic solar panels […]

I want to make my home more energy efficient – what help is available to me?

If you’re on a low income, that’s a big incentive to ensure your home is energy efficient. With plenty of help available as part of the government’s drive to eradicate fuel poverty, there are options for everyone to save money. According to government statistics, having loft insulation and cavity wall insulation can reduce your energy […]